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Che Guevara Tour

A tour around the birthplace and other places that marked Che Guevara's presence in Rosario.

In the mid of 1928, while Ernesto Guevara Lynch and Celia de la Serna, Ernesto’s parents, were travelling to Buenos Aires by ship, business matters made them stop in Rosario for a few days. While in Rosario, Celia started labor and, following the doctors' advice, they stayed in an apartment building located at 480 Entre Ríos Street. On June 14th 1928, Ernesto Jr. was born in that same house. Thus, for several months, the family stayed in Rosario, a city that Che would visit on different occasions during the following years. Today, Rosario is the starting point for "The roads of Che", a tour that links the places that were part of different times in the life of this tireless revolutionary leader.


Ernesto Che Guevara LATAM Study Center (CELChe, in its Spanish acronym) is located in “Galpón de las...

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“Che” Guevara Memorial
“Che” Guevara Memorial

Built in bronze by sculptor Andrés Zerneri, the Memorial is already an icon of Irigoyen Park.

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Before the Trip
Before the Trip

Ernesto Guevara and Alberto Granado in Rosario, preparing their first trip across America.

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Che’s Birthplace
Che’s Birthplace

Birth certificate locates Che’s birthplace at 480 Entre Ríos Street, Rosario.

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Che’s Bench
Che’s Bench

Picture of “Che” as a baby with his parents taken at “El Rosedal” Square Parque de la Independencia.

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Tribute Mural
Tribute Mural

This magnificent mural was made by famous plastic artist Ricardo Carpani.

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